Tuesday, September 1, 2009

My career plans

I thought that I would share with you guys my career plans this evening. As you all know the times have been getting really hard for everyone these days. People are getting laid off left and right and are also getting fired. The only solution to this problem is for people to go back to school, and to do this I have visited

College Search I have decided to go back to school to help me change my career. I currently work as a nursing assistant, but I am now going to school to learn more about computers. I will be taking the computer securities program at ECPI this November. I think that it will be a very interesting change for me, but I will not be getting completely out of the medical field. I will also be applying to get into a nursing program next spring.

It doesn't hurt to multi-task and have two careers. I say the more the merrier,so that is why I want to do both careers. I will be having a busy schedule in the months to come, but it will all be worth it.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

ADHD prescription drugs

I want to discuss the inadvertent results and side effects of different types of medication that are currently being used to treat ADHD. First of all, let me start by explaining what ADHD is. It stands for attention deficit hyper activiy disorder. There is also ADD, which is explained to be called attention disorder deficit. It is a disorder that is becoming very common in children today. Many of the schools are very quick to try to bully parents into labeling their children with these disorders and demanding them to be put on medications. I want everyone out there to know the pros and cons of these stimulants.

While they may help to stimulate the child into being able to sit still and think clearly these drugs can also become very addictive with time. Patients that are currently taking these stimulants need to keep track of the urge to use the medications on an irregular basis. These drugs are not only used by children but they are also used by adults who have displayed the same symptoms to help them to focus at school and work.

Some of the current stimulants that are used to help treat ADHD and ADD are," ritalin, Adderall, Strattera, Concerta, Metadate, Dexedrine, Focalin, Attenade, Paxil and Cylert". These drugs are used to help treat the effects of these two disorders, and the main thing that I want to stress to parents out there is that these are all adult drugs that are being used on childred. They may help with increasing concentration and lower hyper activiy, buy not only can they become addictive, but they have helped to turn some children into zombies. Prolonged use of any strong type of drug in children can cause long term side effects on the body. They can later develop kidney problems, liver damage, enlarged prostate and sexual dysfunctions. My advice to everyone out there is to first get all of the facts before treating anything. Get all of the information first weigh your options and then make an educated descision about it.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

How MRSA becomes an outbreak

A once hospital acquired disease has turned into a widespread outbreak nationwide. This has been mainly due to negligence from healthcare workers and from patients. This disease is called MRSA which stands for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, which is a type of staph infection that is resistant to methicillin and other commonly used antibiotics in the same class, including penicillin, amoxicillin, and oxacillin. The reason why it is spread by the negligence of healthcare workers and patient is, because it spreads when the healthcare workers do not wash their hands before and after giving care and when patients do not keep their cuts,wounds or abrasions covered they can get infected.
This disease is also spreading in different environmental settings. It is becoming more common now that MRSA is now in day care centers and schools. The people who are at risk for getting this disease are mainly people with weakened immune systems, such as people with AIDS, pneumonia or the flu. The best thing for everyone to do is to stop this disease from spreading any further. If we all wash our hands properly, which is by washing until you finish singing the alphabet in your mind that will kill 99% of all germs.
If you have a cut, or any kind of open wound put antiseptic on it and then cover it with a bandaid or a bandage. Another suggestion for healthcare workers is keep equipment sanitized at work, always walk with hand sanitizer, and at the end of your shift you can mix a bowl of water with a drop of clorox in it and that will kill 100% of all germs. Day care providers and school teachers sanitize your toys by soaking them in a bucket or a sink full of water with a half of cup of clorox. Let the toys sit in this solution for about 10 minutes and then rinse them out and put them to dry. You can spray down the table tops with clorox spray and let it stay on there for 15 minutes and then wipe them down. Lastly, keep an eye on your students and day care kids to make sure that they are really washing their hands correctly. At the top of this post are some pictures showing how MRSA can start and what it looks like. These are the things that will keep MRSA away.

The importance of a colonoscopy

Every year doctors urge their patients to have a yearly colonoscopy. This test helps detect hidden cancerous polups that will turn in to cancer later on. The test involves inserting a thin flexible tube with a small camera, which allows the doctors to see inside of the entire length of the colon. There is also a new virtual colonoscopy that is available to patients that will also allow the doctors to see the entire colon. This procedure is not as invasive as the regular colonoscopy, but it is also just as accurate. There are other procedures that doctors can use to see inside of the colon to check for polups, but they are not as accurate. The reason why these other procedures like the sigmoidoscopy are not accurate is, because they do not allow the doctors to investigate the entire length of the colon. Many doctors warn their patientst about this fact, and about the importance of getting their entire colon viewed. The age for having this test done varies based on your family health history. Having the proper procedure is very important and making this choice could either save your life or possibly shorten it.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Super Tuesday!

I am definitely ready for a woman to be the President of the United States of America. Mostly because of what she is willing to fight for. She believes that the people of America should have national health insurance. I always thought that health insurance was affordable for people that could not afford the high premiums. I was definately wrong about that, because now that I am a single mother I have experienced nothing but a struggle to hold on to health insurance every year. For the first time in years last year my son and I spent 9 months without any health insurance and now the months are adding up for this year. I have had to spend most of my time worrying about these questions,"what if my son gets sick, what will I do?" I have realized during my dilema that there are hundreds of thousands of American citizens that work two to three jobs daily just to survive and they still cannot afford to pay for health insurance.

The sad thing is it does not matter if you are in good health and rarely go to the doctor, because if you do have health insurance it will go up every single year no matter what. I think that this is absolutely preposterous. Many people have fought and died in wars so that we can have the freedom that we all possess. I think that it is sad that there are countries like Canada that have already given their citizens national health insurance and that our great country only wants to offer their citizens so called affordable health insurance. The key word is affordable, but the question is who is it really affordable for? There are always people who do not have to worry about money so this is not even an issue for them. I believe that Barrack Obama is one of those people. He can never truely understand what it feels like to not be able to go to the doctor for a yearly check up or when you are really sick. Hilary Clinton sympathizes with the need and the urgency for us all to have health insurance and I believe that she should be the next President.

National Breast Cancer Foundation Inc.

The National Breast Cancer Foundation Inc. has been helping with the fight against Breast Cancer for some years now. They are a non profit organization based in New York that helps aid women with awareness of the disease, and they also help the women who cannot afford to have yearly mammograms to get them free of charge. They also have educational videos that women can look at whenever they visit their website at http://www.nationalbreastcancer.org/. I would like to commend them for contributing to such a worthy cause, and hopefully one day soon there wil be a cure.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Flu season

I work in the healthcare profession as a nursing assistant. This means that when flu season arrives I have to be extra cautious at my job. Even though I use extra precauions, I know that I can never be completely germ free. This means that I will get sick during this time of year. I wanted to make a statement to everyone out there that there are still genuinely kind people out there. I got off of work on Saturday feb 2 to stop and get some medication for my son and myself from the drugstore. The young cashier rang my items up and the total came up to be $26.68. I stated to the cashier that I was short on cash and that I would need to go to my car to get some more money. He replied," ok". I left my items at the register and walked away to my car with my head hanging low. I was not feeling very well, due to being sick and also being very tired from working all night.
Shortly, I came back into the store, and began to wait patiently behind the customer in front of me. After she grabbed her items and left I moved up to the register and began to hand the cashier the full total amount of my bill. He then stated to me that all of my items had been paid for. I stepped back in disbelief, because of his statement. I replied," no way here is the money. He then explained to me again that my bill had been taken care of. Still in disbelief I said,"wow thank you". I took my bag full of medication and walked out of the pharmacy with a great big smile. I will have to say that no matter how dreary and bleek the world seems to be there are still some wonderfully genuine people out there. I would like to thank the lady who was paying for her things when I came in.